The Reward of Fasting in Ramadan and How to Get It
Can one ever imagine what is the reward of fasting in Ramadan? Impossible! It is beyond human comprehension.
Allah’s declaration has been narrated by Rasulullah (ﷺ) in the words: “Fasting is for Me and I will (personally) give its reward.” -Saheeh Bukhaari; 7492.
How then can anybody ever comprehend the magnitude of the rewards for the fasting person?
However, Rasulullah (ﷺ) is also reported to have said: “Many a fasting person gets nothing from his fast except hunger.” -Sunan Ibn Maajah; 1690.
While the obligation of fasting may be fulfilled, the fast is devoid of its spiritual benefits and the unimaginable rewards are lost.
The reason for this severe deprivation is the indulgence in sin while fasting. Hence Rasulullah (ﷺ) has said: “The one who does not give up sinful talk and sinful actions, Allah has no need for him to remain hungry and thirsty.” -Saheeh Bukhaari; 1903.
Therefore, the crucial factor in Ramadan is to give up all sin. Avoiding all sin for this one month will become a launching pad to refrain from sinning in the future.
In Ramadan, people give up many of the vices that they were involved in. Yet some voices continue unabated. The utter tragedy is that many people while engaged in these sins are not even conscious of the evil they are involved in.
One of the most common major sins that many people heedlessly engage in is backbiting or listening to such talk. In the Quran Majeed, Allah has likened backbiting to eating your dead brother’s flesh!!! As a result of backbiting, the rewards of the fast are destroyed. Moreover, one’s good actions will be given away to the person one has spoken ill of.
Another widespread sin is haram “chatting” and conversations. This refers to communication with any non-mahram (one with whom nikah is permissible) without any genuine necessity. Hence all idle talk and chatting are completely prohibited.
Therefore, make this Ramadan a haram-chat free Ramadan. Insha-Allah, this will become the means of forsaking this sin forever.
One of the spiritual killer-diseases for all times, and especially during the month of Ramadan, is the misuse of the eyes. Looking at non-mahrams, haraam pictures, videos, visiting immoral sites on the internet etc., kills the heart spiritually. As a result, all the enthusiasm for ‘ibaadah and righteous actions vanishes.
Therefore, let us make the fasting of this Ramadan true fasting by abstaining from all sins.