Ramadan and Reformation
Multiplied rewards for good actions, an increase in one’s sustenance, the showering down of the mercy and forgiveness of Allah… and many other bounties.
These are all bonuses and gifts from Allah during the great month of Ramadan. However, the object of Ramadan is to acquire Taqwa (piety) as has been clearly explained in the Holy Quran.
Quran says, “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” -Al-Baqarah; Verse 183.
Taqwa can be explained in many ways. In short, it refers to becoming the true servants of Allah. Transforming oneself to become the true servant of Allah is what is termed as spiritual reformation.
The month of Ramadan is the ideal time for this reformation — wherein we have the opportunity to change our lives for the better forever, not just for the month of Ramadan. In order to achieve this reformation, the vital issue is to appreciate this blessed month and use every moment correctly.
Doubtful and Futile
While there are numerous points in this regard that could be discussed here, much of it can be summarized in the following two aspects:
- Leave out everything that is futile and doubtful.
- Spend time in only those things that will certainly earn one the pleasure of Allah Ta‘ala and make the path to reformation possible.
If a person seriously gives up what is doubtful, the possibility of him becoming involved in haraam is extremely remote.
Forsaking futile aspects simply means that to leave out any such aspect which, by refraining from it one will not suffer any harm in this world or in the Hereafter. Engaging in futility happens in actions, talk, and even thoughts. An effort must be made to forsake all of them. Rasulullah (ﷺ) is reported to have said: “It is from the excellence of the Islam of a person that he forsakes all things that are futile.” -Sunan Tirmizi; 2317.
The idle chitchat, whether in private conversations, in public, on social media or on the air, is generally at the very least futile. Very often, it stops to back-biting and other sins. We should therefore not spoil our Ramadan in this manner.
Eid Preparation
While every moment of Ramadan should be spent in gaining the multiplied rewards of this blessed month, unfortunately, much time is wasted on elaborate Eid preparations. Eid shopping, preparing Eid outfits and other extensive and elaborate preparations long before Eid, is not in keeping with the spirit of Ramadan.
In short, we should make every effort to use the time correctly. Give up the doubtful aspects and leave out the futile things. Insha-Allah the object of spiritual reformation will be achieved.