Taraweeh 8 or 20 : An Ultimate Discussion

Feature image of Taraweeh prayer

In the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast during the day and perform Taraweeh prayer at night. Some people differ from others on Taraweeh 8 or 20 Rakat, but no one underestimates its importance and virtues. A number of Hadiths on the importance and virtue of Taraweeh have been written in Sihah Sitta or Kutub al-Sittah. … Read more

What is The True Spirit of Ramadan

Spirit of Ramadan

What is the true spirit of Ramadan? How should people commence their preparations for Ramadan? Some businesses prepare themselves by stocking up for the bumper sales as people do their “Ramadan shopping” or “‘Eid shopping.” Housewives begin stocking their freezers in advance with the “Ramadan savories.” When Ramadan arrives, in some quarters people will “welcome” this … Read more

Ramadan 2024: Things Muslims Can and Can’t Do in Ramadan

Things Muslims Can and Can’t Do in Ramadan

Ramadan, the most merciful month, in which the Holy Quran was sent down for the well-being of Ummah. In Ramadan, fasting is the one of the major obligatory practice along with nightly Salah. All over the world, people observe fasting with perfection and devotion to achieve piety and righteousness. What is Ramadan Fasting? Fasting is … Read more

Ramadan and Reformation

Ramadan and Reformation

Multiplied rewards for good actions, an increase in one’s sustenance, the showering down of the mercy and forgiveness of Allah… and many other bounties. These are all bonuses and gifts from Allah during the great month of Ramadan. However, the object of Ramadan is to acquire Taqwa (piety) as has been clearly explained in the … Read more

How to Take Preparation for Ramadan

How to take preparation for Ramadan

Ramadan 2024 is knocking on the door. In the glorious month of Ramadan, Allah bestows mercy and blessings upon mankind. As it comes after eleven months its every second and minute should be spent wisely. Ramadan is the ultimate chance to get close to Allah and to attain Taqwa through fasting and nighttime prayers. In … Read more

Purpose of Life in Islam

Purpose of Life in Islam

We usually don’t hear this question, “What is the purpose of life in Islam?”. But when we were kids, we were often being asked “what is your aim in life?” and we replied exactly with what our parents or teachers advised to say. Yes, when we were kids, we had an aim in life that … Read more