Top 10 Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy During Ramadan

Since you abstain from all kind of foods and drinks all day long in Ramadan, you should be more careful of what you eat in Suhoor and Iftar. If you don’t, your foods may make the fasting troublesome for you and can cause sickness.

As far as I know, South Asian countries Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi Muslims consume so much fatty, fried and oily foods like samosa, pakora, jilabi and biryani at Iftar. Well, these foods taste good, but they are not healthy at all.

You can’t even imagine how much bad impact these foods can have on your empty stomach. They are the main reason of your fasting time sickness, namely gastric, ulcer, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Importance of Having Healthy Ramadan Meal Plan

Ramadan health awareness can make your fasting and prayer more enjoyable. If you can enjoy fasting and nighttime prayer, everything will be vain. Let’s make a healthy Ramadan meal plan before it starts.

I wanted to put together some quick tips on how to eat better this Ramadan, what types of foods to focus on and which to avoid, in order to help my fellow Muslims prepare for this month! Make a list of healthy suhoor foods and another is for Iftar.

It will help you save some time for Quran recitation in Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of Quran. We should recite it as much as we can. But sometimes we spend our times doing shopping, preparing so many items for Iftar, having Iftar parties. We seldomly can spare some free moments for Quran. That’s really a bad luck.

Rub our fatty, fried and oily foods from your healthy Ramadan meal plan and keep as many fruits, dates, juice, water and vegetables as you can. Believe me, if you can do it, you will more fit and healthy than you were before.

10 Healthy Eating Tips for Ramadan

5 Tips for Healthy Suhoor

5 Tips for Healthy Suhoor
An ideal Suhoor will help you feel OK round the clock.
  1. Don’t skip Suhoor. It’s like breakfast. This meal will help you feel OK throughout the day. If your Suhoor is good, your whole day will be good.
  2. Don’t eat so much. Food is not like the breath that you take a deep breath before you hold it. Fasting is different. When you eat less, you are less prone to becoming hungry quick.
  3. Avoid fatty, fried and oily foods at Suhoor. Instead, have foods that are rich in fiber. They will help you last through the fasting hours.
  4. You need to drink plenty of water as it’s summer time. Have 3-4 glasses of water at Suhoor. Drink some before you begin the meal and some after finishing it.
  5. Don’t eat quickly even if you are short on time. Scientists suggest you need to give your metabolism and digestive system sometimes to activate. Remember it’s not always food what keeps you fit and healthy.

5 Tips for Healthy Iftar

5 Tips for Healthy Iftar
Have plenty of water, juice and foods at Iftar. They are the best food on an empty stomach.
  1. Start your Iftar with dates and water. It’s Sunnah. The Prophet SAWS broke his fast with dates. It’s also suggested by health experts.
  2. Drink much water. Your body needs plenty of water. Fasters should drink 2.5l of water between iftar and before going to sleep, suggests a health expert. Hey, to be honest, that doesn’t support Coca-Cola and Pepsi. You would better say them “goodbye”.
  3. Avoid fatty, fried and oily foods at Iftar. Instead, have fresh foods, juice, and vegetables. In this summertime, watermelon and pineapple also can be an ideal option.
  4. Don’t eat all the foods at once. Take breaks and eat till Suhoor. But if you sleep at night, you may take three to four short meals before you sleep and then have one more when you wake up at Suhoor.
  5. Take a short walk after Iftar. It will help your metabolism work well and keep the body fit and healthy. Remember some fresh air is more necessary for your body than foods.

Ramadan Kareem to you all.
I wish you all a happy, healthy and blessed Ramadan.

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