Ramadan is The Most Distinguished Guest, How to Treat It
When an extremely distinguished guest has announced that he will be arriving soon, preparations commence well in advance for that great occasion. Thereafter, from the moment he comes until he has finally departed, all attention is fixed towards him.
The Ummah is going to be visited very soon by a guest whose rank and status are beyond our imagination. The guest is the blessed month of Ramadan.
Yes, indeed. Ramadan is a guest that will come and very shortly depart. Unlike other guests, it requires nothing. Rather it grants such abundant blessings to those who will appreciate and honor it that these blessings cannot be achieved at other times. Should we then not be enthusiastic about the arrival of this Month?
Rasulullah (ﷺ) used to so eagerly await the arrival of the month of Ramadan that from the time the moon of Rajab was sighted he would make the following dua: “O Allah, bless us in the month of Rajab and Sha’ban and allow us to reach Ramadan.” -Shu‘abul Imaan, 3534.
Flee from Sins During Ramadan

What is the true appreciation and honor of this most distinguished guest? Simply to immerse oneself in the remembrance of Allah.
The fundamental object of Ramadan is a month long training to develop taqwa (piety). The fast, Taraweeh Salaah, recitation of the Holy Quran, remembrance of Allah, etc. are all for this same purpose.
The bottom line of taqwa is abstention from all sin. Thus if one engages in all acts of worship but does not refrain from sin, he has defeated the purpose of Ramadan.
It is therefore vitally important that we totally abstain from all sin in this month. One has to be especially careful about guarding the eyes and ears against sin as well as refraining from backbiting since one falls into these sins very easily.
If just this one month is passed diligently without the commission of any sin, inshaAllah the next eleven months will pass likewise.
As for nafl worship, among the various good actions, Rasulullah (ﷺ) is reported to have exhorted the Ummah to engage excessively in the following four aspects in the month of Ramadan: Recitation of the Kalimah, Istighfar (seeking forgiveness), begging for Jannah and seeking refuge from Jahannum. -Saheeh Ibni Khuzaimah, 1887.
Eid Shopping and Eid Celebration Preparation During Ramadan

One aspect that has exceeded the bounds is “Eid shopping”. Most definitely the Day of ‘Eid is a joyous occasion.
Rasulullah (ﷺ) has encouraged that one should don the best clothing that he owns on this day.
However, there is no mention anywhere that one must purchase new clothing, shoes, etc. for every member of the family, even if this means falling into debt. Simply, one must don the best clothing in one’s possession.
One evil of the present custom of “Eid shopping” is that the valuable hours of Ramadan are spent going from shop to shop or sizing garments. That time which should have been spent in the recitation of the Quran, zikr and salat is wasted in elaborate preparations for Eid.
The true Eid, in reality, is for that person who has fruitfully spent the precious moments of Ramadan and has earned the forgiveness of Allah.
Furthermore, Eid is an Islamic occasion. Does it make sense that on this extremely auspicious Islamic occasion we are draped in Western fashion? At least on this day, one should be attired in the Sunnah clothing for the entire day — not only until Eid Salaah.
May Allah grant us the ability to use the month of Ramadan profitably and may He save us from wasting its valuable moments. Ameen.
This is a selected article of Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Patel from a book that was originally published by Madrasah Taleemuddeen. We are publishing it as per their written permission with little language improvement. May Allah grant us the ability to be benefited from this article. Ameen.